Wednesday, October 8, 2008

From the front lines of the News War

I didn't make it to watch our journalism movie during class time, so I brought the call number to the library over the weekend to check it out. The girl at the LRC lookd at it and said "Sorry, I think you had the wrong number. This is a movie called News War, it doesn't look very interesting."

On that note, my favorite ideas from the movie:

Acts of Journalism
I loved the concept of "acts of journalism" - that anyone can do journalism without being a journalist. They may not do it all the time, they may not be a journalist at all, but they still might perform the occasional "act of journalism." Besides bringing new meaning to the idea of the news, this phrase can also become an interesting part of your vocabulary: "I passed by the library today and performed an act of studying."

We've never given journalism much thought
One of the creators of Rocketboom, a video journalism podcast said: "We've never been interested in journalism, or even given it much thought." Rocketboom has as many viewers as some cable news shows.

So journalists are no longer interested in journalism, but non-journalists are performing acts of journalism? Is there any hope?
Can one be a journalist without giving it much thought?

I was happy to tell the LRC employee how wrong she was about the movie.

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