Saturday, October 18, 2008

for sale: sturdy cardboard box, $5

Since I started looking for new housing a couple weeks ago, I've become a hundred times more interested in a former source of income for newspapers - the classifieds. But, bad news for newspapers - I haven't used them once. It's all about

Anyway, I wanted to let you know that newspapers are trying to catch up. I recently received a tip that has an online classifieds section. Genius. My hometown newspaper has one as well, although theirs isn't nearly as popular as the Utah one.

It's necessary for newspapers to switch online classifieds, but there is no way they can charge anyone for the service anymore. I wonder if there is anything they can do to get back that revenue? Probably not. Craigslist is phenomenal.

Hopefully my housing situation doesn't get so desperate that I have to settle for the title of this blog post.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

Well, good luck finding a house!

Secondly, I see where you're coming from with craig'slist. That website is gold, even if I do feel a bit like a traitor whenever I access it.

I'm interested to hear that newspapers have begun going digital with their own classified ads. That should provide a bit of competition with Craig's List, and a little competition never killed anyone, right?

And while I don't think that newspapers will ever be able to get their old revenue from the classifieds back, I'm sure that they will find a new way of gaining access to funds. Actually, I just wrote a blog post about candidate endorsement in papers--perhaps they'll be paid for by legislators?

Ugh. Let's hope not.