Thursday, September 11, 2008

Breaking News: White girl writes blog post

It might be a little late for this, but I thought the Race and Ethnicity lesson we did the other day was pretty sweet. I'm definitely going to be paying closer attention to the articles I read.

Has anyone noticed this problem with other ways of describing people, besides race? What about when an article mentions that someone is elderly, or lower-class? I think that sometimes descriptors like these can help paint a picture for the reader, but they can also be biased or just completely unnecessary.


Heidi Camacho said...

I really think that they're unnecessary. I think that rather than entertaining the audience, they tend to offend them more often. Loved your blog title. :)

Tamarra said...

I think it's hard not to see people for their outer core, especially if they're a minority--for some psychological reason then we're extremely prone to make generalizations. However, I don't think the answer is (and I don't think that this is what you're suggesting: I too love your blog title) in mentioning the whiteness alongside the blackness or whatever. Maybe its emphasizing the humanness.